Business Model Canvas Consultant


Building a business model canvas is how a business can determine how it creates, delivers and captures value for customers. The business model canvas is a tool that startups and scale-ups use to help the leadership team understand and visualize key elements of the business.

555vCTO can serve as your business model canvas consultant, helping you map out your vision. Our business model canvas consulting services guide you to the successful completion of your plan.

Once you’ve built out a business model canvas, work can proceed with a fully aligned purpose, sure in the knowledge of key elements of your company, such as:

The business model canvas. Going beyond a product positioning statement

With solid consulting for your business model canvas, your team can more readily understand important concepts such as key activities, resources, partnerships and the relationship between costs and revenues. 

Check out a simplified model of a business model canvas for you here. Filling in the blanks will take a serious amount of thought, but you’ll get there. Choosing us as your business model canvas consulting firm ensures you’ll the guidance you need.


Who and why are key Partners?


What key activities we have to do to deliver on our value proposition, customer relationship, channels, revenue streams?


What value do we deliver to the customer?

Which problem are we solving for them?


What type of relationship does each of our customer segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? 


For whom are we creating value?


Key Resources

What key resources do we need to deliver on value proposition, customer relationship, channels, revenue streams?



Through which channels our customers want to be reached?


Cost Structure

What are the most important costs inherent in the business model?

Most expensive Key Resources?

Most expensive Activities?

Revenue Streams

What value are the customers willing to pay?

How much each stream will contribute to the overall revenue stream?

Do you need a business model canvas for your company?

The business model canvas is not just for early-stage startups and scale-ups. Very mature companies’ leadership teams will frequently reference and adapt the business model canvas in line with changing business realities. Choosing us as your consulting firm for a business model canvas means you’ll be prepared no matter what stage you’re entering.

As your company scales up and competition gets fiercer, paying attention to the details of the business model canvas is essential for CEOs, CTOs, advisors and other high-level stakeholders. Our business model canvas consulting can help you get there, so get in touch with us today.