Customer Relationship

The customer relationship component of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) addresses how you will interact with your target market. This includes identifying who your target market is. What do they need? How will your product or service address those needs? 

You need to understand what type of customer relationship you want to establish with each segment of your target market. For example, do you want to build long-term relationships or transactional ones? Each type of relationship requires different strategies and tactics to succeed.

The following questions will help you flesh out the customer relationship section of your BMC:

  • Who is your target market?

  • What needs does your product or service address?

  • What type of relationship do you want to establish with each segment of your target market?

  • What strategies and tactics will you use to build relationships with each segment of your target market?

Building strong customer relationships is essential for any business 

By always keeping the customer at the forefront of your mind, you can ensure that every interaction leaves a positive impression.

By understanding who your target market is and what they need from you, you can create a strategy for establishing meaningful connections with them. Those connections are what lead to success in the long term.

Do you need help in strategizing how to build customer relationships? Contact 555 vCTO