Customer Segments

The customer segmentation section of the Business Model Canvas helps businesses identify and define their target market. This is a critical step in developing a successful marketing strategy and achieving sustainable growth. 

There are many ways to determine customer segments within your target market. The most common methods include:

  • Demographic (age, gender, income)

  • Geographic (location)

  • Psychographic (lifestyle)

  • Behavioral (purchasing history) criteria. 

More factors you need to think about with customer segments

Businesses should consider all of these factors when determining which segments they will target. They should also keep in mind that segments can be combined or further divided based on specific needs or goals.

Once you’ve identified your customer segments, it’s important to understand their needs and how your product or service fits into their lives. 

This information will help you develop targeted messages that resonate with each group and encourage them to take action. It will also enable you to create meaningful experiences for your customers at every touchpoint—from awareness through advocacy—that ultimately lead to loyalty and retention.

Need assistance in discovering and developing your customer segments? Contact 555 vCTO