Big Data or Hype?

The Globe and Mail reported that the Maple Leafs are betting big on Big Data. It is surprising that it has taken them this long. Other sport organizations, notably the MLB with its Sabermetrics, have been doing it for quite some time. The Maple Leafs started pouring resources into gathering data, analysis, visualization and predictive analytics. They are planning to use it for drafting, contract negotiation, on-ice strategy and style of play.

The Leafs have assembled an analytics team. Setting the objectives, most likely to win the Stanley Cup (regardless how improbable it is), was the critical part. Now, the tricky part will be to find the right data, which will provide the insight and allow for reliable predictions. This is one of the difficulties, which any organization starting the journey with big data, has to resolve. Everybody is talking about big data, but the discussion should start with relevant data.

Time will show if this experiment will help the Leafs to get any closer to the Stanley Cup. So far they are taking the right steps, even if the results don’t indicate any change from the past.


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