RIP Nokia

Microsoft is killing Nokia. The brand that is. Microsoft announced that it is changing the phone name from Nokia Lumia to Microsoft Lumia. Rebranding will take some time, but with this move, it is evident that the brand is dead.

Nokia was the synonym for mobile phones. However, not many people know that the company was named after village in Finland. Another lesser known fact is that Nokia started as a pulp mill and maker of rubber boots in the 19th century.

Nokia, at one point, was manufacturing electrical cables, electric generators, paper products, consumer electronics, computers, robotics, plastics, aluminium and chemicals.

Nokia became famous for their mobile phones around the world. Nokia was the major developer of the GSM standard, the technology which allowed for voice and data communication at the same time. GSM became so popular among mobile operators in over 200 countries that 15 new device were connected every second. Nokia was the largest mobile phone manufacturer until 2012.

There is so much history and so many ‘firsts’. Nokia, you will be missed.

If you are interested about Nokia’s history, you can read more here.


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