What the TikTok is happening?

This week, I have a question for my readers: what is Microsoft thinking

Bill Gates’ creation is in talks to buy TikTok (I will give you bonus points if you can also explain Oracle’s interest). And now, the Trump administration weighed in, reminding any company that buys TikTok that it will need to pay for the privilege.

And yes, there is also a rumor about Twitter. But Twitter doesn’t count no more.

Why would anybody buy a company which in no time will lose to Facebook and its empire?

Is this the new modus operandi for the USA: to use government power to destroy the (perceived) foreign competition

I can’t find one good, real reason for either Microsoft or Oracle to buy TiKTok. None of the arguments from analysts make sense. Reaching to a new market segment. Access to new technology. Lucrative revenue from advertising. It just doesn’t hold up.

The only explanation that I’m willing to entertain  is that Microsoft and/or Oracle is aiming to do the government a favour, in return for some undisclosed advantage. But the favour consists of wasting money on … nothing … dancing teenagers. 

The best explanation of why this is idiotic is in the article - Why I’m in Talks to Buy TikTok

“In response to recent rumors, started by me, that I’m in talks to purchase the U.S. operations of TikTok, I’d like to clarify. I am indeed interested in buying the hip viral short-video service. I’d also like to fly to Mars, cure cancer, or climb Mount Everest. Just as with my bid for TikTok, I have no intention of doing so."

Let’s do a quiz.

Buying TikTok:

  1. Is a great idea and Vaclav is an idiot not to see the opportunity.

  2. Puts the buyer in a good position

  3. Is moronic

  4. All the above



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