A quantum leap for your business?

A few years ago, companies were skeptical about big data and machine learning. Before, the question was, “Should we start looking into machine learning for our business?” Today, companies are asking a different question: “How do we implement AI or machine learning for our business as soon as possible?”

It’s a good example of something that comes up again and again in my business. The barrier to new technology isn’t the technology itself. It’s understanding how it can best be used to achieve business objectives. 

I wrote this week in Forbes about a great example of this: quantum computing. I’ve done a roundup in that article about how companies, right now, today, are using quantum computing -- showing this isn’t one of those “maybe we’ll have a use for this in five years” kinds of situations.

We can see how tech companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft are using quantum computing to solve complex problems. But for companies that want to be the next world-beating scale-up, the time is now to look at quantum computing.

Quantum computers help innovators find solutions where the number of options is so great that it is not feasible to solve with today’s technology. Using quantum computers, you can get answers to critical business questions faster than companies that don’t use it.

If you know what you are trying to achieve, being an early adopter puts you ahead of the competition. Even if quantum computers don't compute problems faster than classical computers right now, it is only a matter of time before the technology gets there.


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