The Recurrent Ideas of 2020

Launching Recurrent Patterns in 2020, I’ve been excited to share ideas that connect the dots between technology, business and the news that moves us.

I hope that you, my dear reader, found ideas useful and can use it as your inspiration for 2021. Here’s a look back at some of my favourites.

Do we really know? We draw conclusions based on opinion, hearsay, and the media, rather than facts. Checking facts is much harder than repeating the latest news. When you’re trying to make sense of the world around you, what’s the best approach?

A quantum leap for your business? If the question from previous years was whether we should start looking into quantum computing for our business, that time is over. Today, (as with machine learning), the question is “how do we do it, not if we should do it.”

With AI, be careful what you wish for. “AI will replace the work of lawyers, accountants and other professionals… but it’s okay, AI will do a far better job - and cheaper.” This isn’t correct.

It is never the technology, only your imagination which is holding you back.When you are starting a new project or venture, focus on the idea and the business side of things. The technology is always the easy part.

“AI” is fake. Machine learning is real. This matters. Machine learning is real and has been for a long time. However, AI (defined as Artificial Intelligence) gets all the headlines. Why does this matter so much -- to me, and more importantly, to you?

How to get on the machine learning treadmill. There is a 30 to 40 percent chance that you’re fat. Now that you feel bloated, you might ask what your weight has to do with Machine Learning…

How do machines know when we will click, buy, lie or die? “The meaning of the word intelligence is not just vague. There is no formal definition that could reasonably satisfy. And that’s why it’s not a reasonable goal to pursue with engineering.”

Voting Machine of the Year. Recently, many people have been asking why we can’t just vote over our smartphones. Can you imagine how much worse it would be today if we’d done that?


The most important Recurrent Pattern of 2020


Ben Evans - Designing the next land speed record car