Prepare for the quantum leap.

Companies which are planning their strategy for years down the road are always looking for an edge to help them to outperform their competition. Big data, AI, Machine Learning are becoming mainstream (if only as buzzwords) and are often perceived as the must-have technology for any company. 

But what should the CTO or CIO keep an eye for and prepare for? The answer - Quantum computing. There are types of problems which current computer architecture can’t solve in a reasonable amount of time regardless how many virtual servers are thrown at it. That’s true even if you are Google, Microsoft or Amazon.

An example? Optimization. Optimization of traffic, medical drugs design, investment portfolios or new materials. The length of the list is limited only by your imagination.

Quantum computers are now available in a cloud. It is a slowly maturing area. But within a few years, it will be a reality. Companies preparing for it now, will be able to quantum leap their competition.


Barry Briggs, Serial CTO about dogs and machine learning


David Brin. Delusion, cheating and what we can learn from the future.