Recurrent Patterns
Recurrent Patterns is a venture exploring strategies and insights around leading-edge companies, technology and cultural trends. Vaclav engages with leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, authors and others who can share their perspectives in long-form conversations.
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Lawyers are here to stay for the foreseeable future
Some of my fellow technophiles believe that smart contracts will soon replace lawyers and we will live in paradise. Well, don't fire your legal counsel yet.
Build the tech before you figure out the business? Bad idea
It’s one of those stories that makes you ask a serious question: why would anyone build technology for such a specific use case and with such limited money-making potential?
Facebook's new rose-tinted glasses
According to a promotional video, featuring Mr. Zuckerberg as a real person and as an avatar, virtual reality is no longer an obscure hobby. It is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. But to make it mainstream, we have to convince the 200 million people who buy a new PC for work every year to buy not only the PC but also the virtual headset.
Twitter Edit Button vs. Cyborg Cockroaches
Who would have imagined that in 2022, a paid edit feature within a browser would become news. Twitter, which has been struggling to turn any profit in its existence, comes up with an irrelevant feature to provide a backdrop for its selling/buying (or not selling/not buying) soap opera.
Building new products is difficult, even for Google
Google is working extremely hard to stay current and compete on many fronts. For that it has to keep trying and trying and trying to come up with new ideas, test them and either use them or discard them. Either way, there is always a lesson learned.
Nasdaq is going crypto
Nasdaq is a big name. By moving into the crypto space, it provides a guarantee for investors that their money invested in the cryptocurrencies will be safe and properly handled. Unlike other crypto exchanges which have been around for a few years, Nasdaq brings stability into the market.
The self-driving car is just around the corner
Driving is so boring and repetitive with many written rules. Yet at the same time, it is so unpredictable that any current technology just can't help us. Add to it a question: Where is the demand for self-driving coming from?
The Merge is coming
It is September, 2022 and a major change in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchains is happening. The Ethereum blockchain is merging with the Beacon Chain. Yes, it is a big deal and here is why.
Google is coming to billboard near you
Google already knows about your every movement. Anytime you use Google Maps, Google knows where you are, where you are going and which route you are taking. It even provides you with the most efficient route to get there. Now the most efficient route will be past the billboards which will show you the ads, which will help you to make the right purchasing decision.
Last password standing
The password is a cruel joke by developers imposed on the rest of humanity. It is the reflection of their laziness to come up with technology which is easy to use and secure at the same time.