Uber is getting bigger

Have you heard about Uber? In case you haven’t, it is a start up which is creating havoc in the taxi industry. The issue here is that this is not a taxi service. It is a method of connecting people who have cars, with people who need to go somewhere. They are in over 100 cities around the world and growing. It is also a startup with investors from Menlo, to Google Ventures, to Goldman Sachs, and others valuating the firm around 18 billion dollars.

Uber is building an army of freelance drivers and is paying them only when they deliver people to their destinations. Brilliant. The zero overhead makes every CEO and CFO cry. Now that Uber has a readily available workforce, it is testing other business opportunities. Recently it introduced a grocery delivery service in Washington, DC. And on the luxe side of their service offerings, Uber expanded into their airwaves with UberJet during the Cannes Film Festival. Flying passengers from Paris to Cannes for roughly four thousand euros. While other established firms or startups are building distribution centers and then trying to recruit drivers, Uber is just adding another item to its list to deliver.


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