The big party is closer than ever

December 5th, 2022 will be remembered as a milestone in moving humanity closer to having an unlimited source of energy available to us. The scientists at the US National Ignition Facility (NIF) announced a successful fusion experiment where they achieved an ignition. The most important outcome? It produced more energy than it consumed.

Nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail for energy generation. In 1920, scientists discovered that by combining two atoms of hydrogen into helium, you produce energy. This explains why we have stars, why they are so hot, and more. This is unlike nuclear fission, which is used today and produces nuclear waste that has to be stored for a long period after the fuel is burned.

Building a device that allows the fusion to happen has been in the works since the 1930s. The history of nuclear fusion is full of promises. The running theme is that we are always 20 years away from the production of a fusion reactor. There have been many designs and attempts to reach the fusion energy gain factor (Q) bigger than 1. Why is 1 important, in this case? 1 is the break even point, when the power released by the fusion reaction is bigger than the required heating power.

So far, all of the efforts have produced Q less than 1 — the breakeven point — until now. The next objective is to achieve Q around 5. That’s where we should reach the combustion aka the self-sustaining fusion reactions.

So, why do I think this is important?

We need more energy. More importantly, we need more clean energy. Using carbon-based energy is not good for the environment. Solar and wind-powered energy can barely replace what we have now.

Throughout the history of humanity, major breakthroughs were always produced where the amount of energy increased by magnitude. Solar and wind is a dead end — it’s a bandage for our current situation.

A simple example is the CERN research center where scientists are trying to understand the fundamental questions about the origin of the universe and what it is made of. Every year, that facility requires 1.3 terawatt hours of electricity. For context — that’s enough energy to power 300,000 homes for an entire year in the United Kingdom.

In order to advance science, it requires more energy. That, in turn, will help us create new and better materials. As an example, it is very difficult to make aluminum without electricity. Without it, you wouldn't have your cold can of Coke or beer.

Another benefit of nuclear fusion is that it becomes an unlimited source of helium. Right now, we don't  have enough helium not only for balloons but for MRI machines.

Sometimes we look back and admire the discoveries that occurred in the past. We long to be part of something so important in our lifetime. Let's hope that electricity generated by the fusion reaction will become a reality soon. It will change our lives. With enough balloons filled with helium, the party will go on and keep the recurrent pattern going.


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