Me, I and AI

There isn't a day when something new is built with AI. Most of the time, we are talking about applications that attend meetings on your behalf, write emails to your team about how well projects are done, or answer questions in a joking manner. But we don't hear much about devices that are supposed to be powered by AI. Yes, there were attempts in the past. One example was an AI-powered fridge , the Google Glass, or the Orb, whose actual purpose is to help you to be recognizable as not AI.

This week, we learned about a new device that not only is powered by AI, but has AI in its name: Humane just announced its product Ai Pin.

What is it?

Any followers of StarTrek will immediately recognize it as the updated version of the Starfleet communicator badge. This small box attaches to your T-shirt or jacket with a magnetic battery casing and responds to taps with your fingers, hand motions or voice commands. Unlike the now-obsolete Starfleet communicator from the future, the Ai Pin also has a built-in camera and laser. The camera is for taking pictures, while the laser is for displaying information you ask about on your hand, like a projector.

The Ai Pin also doesn't need a phone to connect to the network; it has its own mobile connectivity. Similar to phones, it can call or text people.

The device also has a Trust Light to indicate that either its camera or microphone are in use. The makers didn't want to create a spy device that records something without your consent. It also has a speaker, or to be precise, it has a Personic Speaker that creates a personally optimized bubble of sound when it's talking to you or playing music.

You can learn about all the other wonders on the website.

The question, which even the makers of this device are asking, after raising $230 million: will anyone use it? Do we need another gadget, or is it a smart phone replacement? So far we’ve resisted many devices except watches, phones and headphones. The backers of this project know that it is a long shot, but they will effectively have “first dibs” on the new technology and would be able to use it somewhere else. Everyone is also aware of the attempts by Meta (Facebook) and Apple with their AR/VR goggles.

I don't know if the Ai Pin will become a recurrent pattern, but it is definitely exciting to see the innovative thinking that made this product happen.


The race is on


Different… or same-same?