Make Computers Work For You

When I wrote Enough talk. Let's make money earlier this year, I proposed how anyone could use technology to make some extra money.

I was challenged by some of my readers (rightly so, I might add) to put my words into action. But I also thought it would be a good idea to search for other interesting technologies and see how they might contribute to this idea.

The result? I've started a fun project, Know It All. Let me show you how it works.

With that original post from July, I suggested you use Google Trends to identify topics which people are interested in.

I started with topics around health.

Recall that the idea here was to create a kind of media empire while letting the AI do the real work.

As you skim through these posts, you’ll see the questions that act as subject headers in these articles. Those are mine. However, the rest of the content was supplied by OpenAI.

You might also have noticed that it looks as though each article was produced and researched by a person. But wait: you’ll say “that would cost a lot of money! I thought we were letting AI do the work?”

In fact, the images are provided as a courtesy of this website, which is based on thousands of pictures that create a new, composite face every time you refresh your browser.

But we’re not just creating blog posts. We’re building a multimedia empire, with audio and video elements. How can we do that efficiently?

Thanks to Amazon's cloud service Polly, the next step is to take the text and create an audio file. With a few extra clicks, these files are then posted as a podcast on Spotify. Combining the voice with an upbeat music track from Pixabay adding images from Unsplash you can quickly assemble a video and open your own YouTube channel, like I’ve done at Know It All.

I know, a voice reading the text is not as engaging as if the person doing the research directly tells you about the topic. WIth the creative studio from D-IDyou can take a picture of a person, add a bit of text; and you end up with a video like this one, where we have an ‘expert’ talking to you about how to lower your blood pressure.

How will you measure how searchable your content is online? What keywords are people typing in to find content similar to yours? I used Google Search Console to do that job.

What's next? Some technology to support the marketing effort, in order to promote the content to its impatiently-waiting audience.

You might ask why to do all this? Can anything useful come out of this? Again, this is just a demo of what's possible. To be clear, the OpenAI won't come up with anything new. It is trained on gigabytes of data to identify content and present you quickly with a summary. Amazon's Polly won't be the charming, seductive voice for your evenings in front of the fireplace. However, it can deliver content in a context where reading is not possible.

I am sure you can find many examples in your surroundings where adding the right technology can easily add value and delight your customers. Unleash your imagination and create a new pattern.


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The death of the cookie as we know it