Humans 1 : AI 0

I think that by now, my dear reader, it is obvious that I like technology, but have little patience when told by technologists (amplified by marketers) about the latest tech miracle.

What I am finding puzzling is the never-ending dream to replace humans and the desire to translate humanity into an algorithm. Yet, the same people are always very sure that this replacement would never apply to them... 'cause they are special.

Now, combine this with the regulators who are trying to encapsulate humanity into a set of rules and regulations and you get a funny story.

Here is the latest example from San Francisco. The headline read 'San Francisco agency opposes Cruise robotaxi application, citing safety'.

'The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) said in a 24-page letter that the recent videos from Cruise show the self-driving technology company is allowing unlawful behavior that also endangers people nearby and slows down buses.'

What was the illegal behavior? People were getting in and out of cabs in the middle of the street? Apparently Jeff Tumlin, the agency director, had never been on the streets of San Francisco or New York City. He had never observed how people can navigate the intricacies of traffic safely and completely on their own.

Is the alternative to lock the doors and never let the passenger out until a legal stop can be achieved? I can see people getting stranded in self-driving prisons in a NYC traffic jam and pleading for help from amused pedestrians. The reality TV series pitches itself! Instagram is ready for the pictures. Plus, riding in a self-driving cab, you could enjoy some great conversation.

Or when a self-driving car which got stuck in traffic tried to get away from the support crew. Then there was the failed attempt to build a voice-controlled elevator

Lucky for us, useful technology has a tendency to stay and help us with our lives. And that's the recurrent pattern that companies should keep in mind when they’re building their next “AI-powered” products.


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