How to use data to crush the competition (even if they're Disney)

Do you watch Netflix? Probably, since COVID is keeping us all at home. But it's been a happy ending for Netflix' bottom line.

Netflix wasn't always in a great position -- and digital transformation helped it survive (before it was even called digital transformation). First, it disrupted Blockbuster with DVD renting, and then with a streaming service. Today, it contends with Disney and Amazon.

Against these competitors, Netflix first grew rapidly with a first-mover advantage -- streaming on-demand content. It now has its own content distribution network, with a presence on every possible device.

This doesn’t mean Netflix needs to keep producing its own content. It can sell off access to its pipeline to allow other content providers to monetize their content. Though the competition is getting stronger, effective use of data helps Netflix to lead the game.

Its acquisition and handling of data only enhance the company's popularity: Netflix claims to have 33 million different versions of their streaming platform, each tailored to an individual account based on their watching preferences -- and its research remains transparent and accessible. 

The future? Netflix could become the new cable company. It could have channels like Netflix Sport, Netflix News, Netflix Music and so on. Each channel can become a profit center in the "Netflix Universe." 

Sound familiar? 

Successful companies are always working hard on learning, innovation and mastering change. The others are no longer around.


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