How tech can save you from your hangover

Hello and welcome to 2022!

Ouch. That hurts, doesn't it? Don’t worry, you are not the only one with a massive hangover. In fact, the average person drinks twice as much during the holiday season as they do any other time of the year.

Humans have been drinking since about 7000 BCE. And dealing with hangovers since then, too. A ring dated as far back as Roman times was found at what would be a Byzantine wine factory. The location is not random - the amethyst stone supposedly prevented hangovers.

But thankfully, we now have much more advanced technology on our side. Rather than an expensive piece of jewelry, I bring you the best cures for a hangover that science & tech can provide.

Morning Recovery: Why is the first on the list a supplement? Science. The founder of 82 Labs - which produces Morning Recovery - is none other than a former Tesla Engineer. Sisun Lee was searching for the solution for not feeling like death after a night out. He partnered up with Jing Liang, USC researcher on hangovers - yes, that’s a thing - and they managed to put together a unique combination of ingredients that boosts liver detoxification, increases energy and reduces morning-after symptoms.

The marketing message says it all:

  • after-party liver support.

  • try it with your favorite beverages.

BranWave: “Hey, this is a meditation app!” Don’t let it fool you. BrainWave uses a Binaural recording method to create a 3D stereo sound sensation. They help you with your hangover by synchronizing your brainwaves to deeply relaxing low-frequency alpha and theta waves.

That’s a lot of words, I know. Basically, it makes a sound so soothing that it can provide relief from headaches, nausea and discomfort.

Added benefits? Solve problems, Boost Mood and Increase Confidence. After a night of drinking, you’ll be sober, in an awesome mood and with beaming confidence solving world problems. 

The Wand: This one requires a bit of planning on your side, but it might work for those who prefer wine. This contraption cuts the problem at its roots: histamines and sulfites. They are the cause of your morning-after headaches, and The Wand removes them without changing the taste of your wine.

The drawback? You have to stir your wine with this magic wand for several minutes before it is ready to drink. A buzz kill if you’d ask me.

BACtrack Skyn: I call this the “nagging tech.” But in a good way. As the first wearable alcohol monitor, it measures alcohol molecules from the emitted sweat through the skin. It tells you when you reached your limit via Bluetooth connection with your phone or other devices. See? Nagging tech, worse than your sober friends. But you should listen to it.

Despite the claim that they helped millions of people since 2001, it is still available for research use only. Because it was not cleared or approved by the US FDA.

Noise-cancelling headphones: Sometimes, you don’t live alone and you can’t enjoy your misery in silence. Maybe your neighbour’s New Year’s resolution is to learn how to play a new instrument. There is no mute button for the real world, but noise-canceling headphones will do the job just as well. You can listen to guided meditation or some mediation-friendly music at 528 Hz432 Hzor 963 Hz. You choose, depending on your vibe. Alternatively, if you just want to tune out outside noise, these headphones will turn into your new best friend.

Try one, two, or all of them. If a hangover is your recurrent pattern, the tech is here to get you back to your best self.

Here’s to 2022. May it bring us even more tech to make our lives easier. Cheers!


Sweet dreams BlackBerry


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