
555vCTO in the news

Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

7 erros comuns que podem prejudicar o sucesso da TI

Os treinadores ajudam os atletas a desenvolver uma memória curta para erros. O objetivo é que eles possam passar para a próxima jogada e alcançar o sucesso. Da mesma forma, os líderes empresariais são frequentemente aconselhados a falhar rapidamente e seguir em frente. Em ambos os casos, a ideia é reorientar e começar de novo, tudo isso sob uma tremenda pressão contínua - e ainda assim produzir resultados de alto nível.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

7 common IT mistakes that can spark future success

Coaches train athletes to develop a short memory for mistakes so that they can move on to the next play and succeed. Similarly, business leaders are frequently advised to fail fast, and move on. In both cases, the idea is to refocus and start again, all while under ongoing, tremendous pressure — yet still produce results at a high level.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

The State of Document Management in the Workplace

Run the term document management, or even document management system, in Google search and look what you get. There is no surprise that that are hundreds of entries about dozens of different types of software, and that doesn’t’ even count entries for its related enterprise content management systems.

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Original Content Vaclav Vincalek Original Content Vaclav Vincalek

5 ways to build smart cities that respect citizens’ privacy

Google just got the green light for its smart city in Toronto. But those who fear a scenario like in Hong Kong or San Francisco, where authorities can use residents’ data for whatever they want, maybe it’s not too late to fight back?

Hiding behind populist statements like ‘make housing more affordable’ hides the real objective to misuse citizens’ personal data for a social experiment.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

Got A Remote Tech Team? 14 Tips For Building Camaraderie

Camaraderie is one key to success for any team, especially in the tech department. For in-house tech teams, this strong, positive dynamic can easily come from working together to solve problems, create solutions and tackle projects—not to mention getting to interact regularly with people who have similar interests and expertise.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

Why Organizations Need to Clean Their Dirty Data

There are all kinds of clichés thrown around technology conferences at the moment. Here are two about data that are currently doing the rounds: "Data is the new oil" and "garbage data in, garbage insights out", a reference to the impact of feeding "dirty" data into the machine learning and artificial intelligence tools.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

11 Techniques To Make Sure Your Tech Team Stays Ahead Of The Game

The rate of advancement in technology in recent years has been staggering, and the tech departments of many companies deal with near-constant evolution. Often, software and hardware are updated so regularly that systems that are less than five years old are already outdated.

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