
555vCTO in the news

Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

عندك بطاقة بنكية؟.. هكذا يمكنك حماية نفسك من السرقة

مع التطور التكنولوجي أصبح من السهل، سرقة هوية أصحاب البطاقات البنكية، وذلك من خلال استخدام معلومات حسابات التسوق الإلكتروني، وبيانات تسجيل الدخول على الحسابات الإلكترونية، بالإضافة إلى طرق الاحتيال للاستيلاء على البيانات الخاصة بالحسابات والمستخدمين، لذا نقدم لكم نصائح مهمة يجب على مالكي البطاقات البنكية الالتزام بها لحماية أموالهم.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

Virtual Teams: Striving For Problem-Free Video Conferencing?

Few can envy the IT team tasked with organizing a video conference call with virtual teams in several locations when each member may use a different device or be in a different IT environment. The call may be crucial, with partners, potential investors and board members all attending. You are expected to ensure an uninterrupted call, with all callers having clear audio and voice communication as well as access to relevant presentation documents.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

10 Ways to Protect Yourself From ID Theft

You can protect yourself against identity thieves by understanding how they work, then taking the appropriate precautions with your credit card accounts.

Identity theft is often in the news, but there are a lot of misconceptions swirling around about how to best protect yourself.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

Aksepterer Bitcoin: Hva Små Virksomheter Trenger å Vite

Hvis du fortsatt ikke har hørt om Bitcoin, vil du snart. Bitcoin generert mye buzz i 2013, og eksperter sier at de snakker ikke være døende ned når som helst snart. Som analytikere debatt digital valuta verdi og levedyktighet, Bitcoin trading plattformer, markedsplasser og startups lanserer hver dag. Den nyeste slik Bitcoin markedet kommer fra online forhandler som annonsert i forrige uke at det hadde begynt aksepterer Bitcoin for kjøp. For mange små bedrifter, men Bitcoin er fortsatt et mysterium — en som, en gang avslørte, kan faktisk hjelpe vokse sin virksomhet.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

30 Customer Experience Experts Reveal the Top Ways Customer Analytics Can Improve an Organization’s Bottom Line

Most likely your company has customers, and hopefully the information about them is stored in your CRM. Your marketing people are running campaigns for generating quality leads and the sales people are turning every single lead into an opportunity and ultimately a customer. The VP of Sales is monitoring the pipeline and poring through the vast number of reports to understand where all the sales are coming from. Life is beautiful. If only.

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Vaclav Vincalek Vaclav Vincalek

Chýba povedomie o význame a ochrane dát

Na Slovensko ste zavítali v rámci projektu ERA-Can+, ktorý má podporiť spoluprácu kanadských vedcov s kolegami z Európskej únie. Ako sa dá dostať od vytvárania priestoru pre verejnú diskusiu k medzinárodnej vedeckej spolupráci?

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Video Vaclav Vincalek Video Vaclav Vincalek

CTV Morning News: Password Protection

The latest is legitimately scary: Russian hackers stole 1.2 billion unique username and password combinations – that’s nearly the population of China – and more than 500 million e-mail addresses, according to a New York Times story.

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Video Vaclav Vincalek Video Vaclav Vincalek

CTV News: 1 Billion Passwords Stolen

The hackers are a tight knit group, 10 or 11. They live in a Russian town, and have real jobs. But in their down time, the cybercriminals have spent the past seven months gathering a hoard of personal data, stealing 1.2 billion usernames and passwords in a series of Internet heists affecting 420,000 websites.

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