Growth Stage

As a startup matures, it goes through different stages of growth. 

  • Seed stage. This is when the company is just getting started and needs funding to get off the ground. 

  • Early stage. At this point, the company has a product or service but is still working on refining it and attracting customers. 

  • Growth stage. This is when the company has established itself in its market and starts to experience rapid expansion. 

At the Growth Stage, the company completes a number of milestones:

  • Product/Market Fit is achieved

  • They've raised Series A

  • The team starts to grow

  • Revenue begins to accelerate

All these lead up to one thing - rapid expansion. This means more customers coming in than ever before. This can be a very exciting (and also scary) time. It's important at this stage for startups to focus on three things: 

  • Hiring great people

  • Scaling their processes

  • Managing cash flow 

With the company growing so quickly, if any of these areas aren't managed well it could severely hurt the firm down the line. But if all goes well then they'll come out of this phase stronger than ever before.

Looking for more strategic advice for managing your growth stage? Contact 555 vCTO