Features Validation

If you're working on a startup, one of the most important things you can do is validate your product or services features. 

What is the features validation process really about? It means making sure that people actually want and need the features you're planning to build. 

Different ways to implement features validation

The first way to begin with features validation is to simply ask potential customers if they would use the feature you're thinking of building. If they say yes, then it's likely worth pursuing. 

Another way to validate features is by looking at competitor products and seeing which ones are most popular with users. 

You can also look at data from your own product usage to see which features get the most engagement. No matter how you choose to validate your features, it's important that you do it before starting development work on them. That way, you can be confident that you're building something that people will actually find valuable.

Features validation for startups. Extra considerations

The most important factor is the problem that the feature is solving. If there is no market need for the feature, it will not be successful. Other important factors: whether or not the feature can be implemented in a way that meets customer expectations. Also, does it fit within the company's overall strategy?

Finally, the features validation process should also take into account any potential business and technology risks associated with implementing the new feature.

Looking for more insights into the features validation process for your company? Contact 555 vCTO