Basic system architecture for startups


How does the technology that your company needs to operate to serve customers actually fit together? How can a technology expert help a non-technical stakeholder literally look at the system architecture in a way that makes sense? These are the important challenges with building a basic system architecture.

555 vCTO helps you understand the basic system architecture for your startup

The goal here is to create a representation of your full system of technology to help key stakeholders actually make decisions relevant to the business.

What are the actual functions of the system? How will actual human beings interact with your system? That’s what 555 vCTO will help you to see, to ensure your company can deliver what you’re promising. 

Common questions and strategy considerations around designing a basic system architecture

The basic system architecture can be a sort of reference map for technical and non-technical stakeholders. However, the map is not the territory. No matter how detailed your representation of a basic system architecture, there may be parts intentionally left out or overly simplified.

555 vCTO gets around this hurdle with thoughtful visual representations. There’s enough detail to be useful to technology experts who weren’t around at the beginning of development. At the same time, there are visual cues and diagrams that are meaningful to stakeholders who have never written a single line of code.